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(Pop) Uncultured


For all those who surreptitiously google pop culture references to sound smarter; for all those who have been threatened with disownment for not having watched some sitcom or a movie trilogy; this is for the ones united in their laziness, or maybe the lack of a good WiFi (BSNL, cue sobbing). Join the club because “YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED SHERLOCK? Never speak to me again”.

Go ahead, judge us. Wrinkle your noses. Look down upon us. Treat us like the lowly mortals you believe we are for not being up to date with the world of American drama and give us disdainful looks for not being able to quote minute 34 of the eleventh episode of the third season of XYZ show. We are used to it. In a world where the pressure to see every possible latest drama and sitcom is greater than the pressure of having a thigh gap (thanks for that, Spongebob and Cara Devegline), and lifelong bonds are formed on the basis of fangirling over Benedict Cumberbatch, hard times confront the pop uncultured. So you rely on iMDB and Tumblr for random smart quips to toss around without having watched the show, which guilt trips you into promising to yourself, “I shall watch this. Soon. SOON.” Only that’s later than sooner. Or maybe never. Meanwhile, your hard disk sits there mockingly, whispering sweet nothings you’ve mastered to be deaf to. While some fall prey to these luring lullabies of endless and in depth analyses of how the characters of Community essentially reflect the complexities of human nature, and how Taylor Swift’s Blank Space video is the perfect response to the media mocking her relationship status, and succumb to the pressure of updating their pop culture knowledge bank, many remain defiantly lazy and unwilling, and some try to balance precariously on the tightrope of the middle path.

Regardless, your choices or lack of pop cultured-ness don’t define you, as much as they make you believe otherwise. Hold your head up high, you’ll get through this too. The journey is hard, involves sacrifices and many judgmental looks. Some mental breakdowns too maybe. Threats of break ups and the possibility of the end of friendships. Maybe limited potential for making friends and a drastic reduction of conversation topics and a lot of awkward silences. Stay strong and stay lazy though, it doesn’t make you foolish. Meanwhile, I’ll quietly sneak away to watch Breaking Bad. Season one. *scuttles away*

© Snigdha Shahi
(Pol Science First Year)

Posted in Uncategorized

The Naive Innocence


(Source: The Deluge- Leon Comerre)

That clatter of the Utensils,
I hear from the kitchen,
Reminds me of mother…
but this time,
the sound is different

Where are you?
They said they took you to the
Concentration Camp,
What is that mother,
Is this some kind of a camp,
we go to,on the hills,for a trek?

Why did you leave me mother,
The fragrance coming
from your clothes,
when I open your wardrobe,
makes me miss you.

Why did you go to the camp
without me? Do you guys sing around
the camp fire there? Why didn’t you
take me along Mom,
Why didn’t you.

I remember something
was bothering you
from sometime.

Did I do something
to make you sad?
Come back Mom,
I will do homework on time,
I won’t steal the cookies.

When I saw the smoke,
coming out of the Chimnies,
I told you Mom, see how
the bricks for our homes
are being made in furnaces,
because that is what was
taught to us at School.
You heaved a sigh and a teardrop escaped
your eyes. You told me its not bricks, Why did
the teacher back in School lie then?

I smelled the barbeque
and mutton being grilled somewhere
nearby, I asked you to take
me to have barbeque, you
put your head on the table,
when you raised it, your
eyes were swollen and crimson.

Why do teachers lie at School,
Why did you deny me the barbeque,
Why didn’t you take me to the camp with you…
Mom, I am angry with you..I wont talk to you,
but please come back.

© Muntaha Amin
(English Hons First Year)