Posted in Prose-Fiction


Day 1

I don’t see the sun rise and I do not care. The darkness and the light are the same. The dreams are a void. There is an abyss that echoes hollow voices. I grope my way down- that’s the only direction there is. I do not mind the falls. I wake up and get dressed for College.


The trains are on time, the floor is clean and there is always an eager crowd. There is enough food and drinks. I am not cold- it will never be any different. Things are ugly in their stark simplicity. The candle still burns my hand and the smoke makes me cough. There is no life and little to learn. It is all a bad performance. It will always be so.

Tomorrow is a new day.


Day 2



I don’t see the sun rise and I do not care. The darkness and the light are the same. The dreams are a void. There is an abyss that echoes hollow voices. I grope my way down- that’s the only direction there is. I do not mind the falls. I wake up and get dressed for College.


The trains are on time, the floor is clean and there is always an eager crowd. There is enough food and drinks. I am not cold- it will never be any different. Things are ugly in their stark simplicity. The candle still burns my hand and the smoke makes me cough. There is no life and little to learn. It is all a bad performance. It will always be so.

Tomorrow is a new day.


Day 3



I don’t see the sun rise and I do not care. The darkness and the light are the same. The dreams are a void. There is an abyss that echoes hollow voices. I grope my way down- that’s the only direction there is. I do not mind the falls. I wake up and get dressed for College.


The trains are on time, the floor is clean and there is always an eager crowd. There is enough food and drinks. I am not cold- it will never be any different. Things are ugly in their stark simplicity. The candle still burns my hand and the smoke makes me cough. There is no life and little to learn. It is all a bad performance. It will always be so.

Tomorrow is a new day…


© Chanchal K. (English Hons, 2nd year)


Posted in Non-Fiction

Crossroads (Lyrical Lexicon)


I went down to the crossroads,

Fell down on my knees.

I went down to the crossroads,

Fell down on my knees.

Asked the Lord above for mercy,

Save me if you please.

I went down to the crossroads,

Tried to flag a ride.

I went down to the crossroads,

Tried to flag a ride.

Nobody seemed to know me,

Everybody passed me by…”




The aforementioned piece is suggestive of the dilemma which the poet is faced with while grappling with the harsh realities of life. He undertakes a rigorous and tiresome journey with all its trials and tribulations in order to make a mark in life, a theme that has been foregrounded in the given lines. He invokes a sense of pathos among us as he is constantly caught up in this world to forge an identity of his own, a task that he perceives to have considerably failed in.

His predicament lies with the choices that he has to make in life which furthermore complicate matters as he, being completely unaware of their repercussions, is unable to take an appropriate decision.

This, in a way is reflective of the larger picture, wherein we all have been haunted by this indecision at some point of time or the other.


– Shaleen (Eng Hons, 1st year)